Monday, November 24, 2008

My lotion and me + weekend roundup

So before I tell you about the weekend, let me just ask a question about something I found out on Friday. I don't remember exactly how the topic came up, but a question was asked to my co-worker if he used lotion to which the answer was no. as a matter of fact, he dissed any and every guy who did use lotion.

So I didn’t wanna say anything because I was one of those guys that used lotion. Yes people...I punk’d out. I should have stuck up for all my lotion homies. I mean nothing is wrong with using lotion. I normally use a little because my hands normally would end up being white. but there are some guys that use it all over their body, you would swear they were a girl. Like they have a 30min lotion period in the mornings.

Anyway, the weekend was both lovely and horrible. Lovely in the sense that I spent it with my girlfriend as I went over from Saturday (at 1:30am…long story) to Sunday. I have never done so much house work over a weekend like this one. Plus we got to spend some much needed quality time together talking and playing scrabble and watching some movies. It was so cute.

On the other hand, it was horrible because I am a man of comfort and I wasn’t comfortable. I have grown too attached to the technology around us today and will go insane when I am deprived of it. Especially when I know that it is available but we don’t have it. It’s totally different when a hurricane screws up the entire electrical grid in the island. But worst of all...the place was a sauna and almost every sentence I said started with "You need to get a fan".

But enough whining, the weekend is over and now it’s back to work. Oh boy.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Answer the phone already

You know what grinds my gears...when you're in the office or home and the phone rings. And apparently, no matter how many persons are there, it's your duty...obligation...sole purpose in answer the phone. And you know when it gets worst, when you see those persons trying to ignore it by walking pass it or by starting an "important" conversation. Or even more horrific is when they stare you in the face with that "I'm not answering it" look.

Seriously, sometimes I wish I worked on the 2nd floor or something so that one day I can "accidentally" bounce someone off the railing whenever they into that not answering the phone mood. I honestly think that God put certain persons on this earth with the sole purpose of annoying others. Is like you throw a little garbage on the ground and you are doomed to live the rest of your life with imbeciles who have answer-the-phone-phobia. Geez.
