*sigh*, Where do I even start? How about Shut up?!
The following is a rough dialog of what happened one day outside the main computer science lab at school.
Me: yo, what are you installing her laptop this time?
linux d00d: i'm updating gnome desktop and getting new packages.
Me: oh ok...kool. So does the wireless card work?
linux d00d: not quite. I'm gonna try ndiswrapper
Me: well good luck, because ndiswrapper doesn't always work. It didn't work for me.
So by this time the Head of the computer science department is nearby.H.O.D: ndiswrapper doesn't work for you? is it because your incompetent?
linux d00d: hahaha
Me: huh?
Me? Incompetent? Is this dude for real? Ok, so you're the head of the Computer Science Department, I get that but wtf?
These are exactly the types of people who should be buried alive or thrown from a building.
I was told that I'm wasting my time learning C# & .Net by the same linux d00d from the dialog above. Why? Because C# is from Microsoft and its this and that and blah blah blah. Uh huh, anything you say.
About 2 weeks ago I'm at the main computer science lab again talking to a friend about my switch to .Net/C# and Vista while another linux fiend is nearby. And it became another Windows vs Linux argument during which 2 more linux fiends enter. Honestly, I'm tired of these arguments because there doesn't seem to a solution. So anyway, this new-to-linux-fiend is there trying to convince me of how great it is and how much more productive he is at work. Is that supposed to impress me? Get a life noob. He even mentioned that he doesn't know why he keeps windows on his machine. So, why not format that partition, call it a day and shut the hell up?
Another day at school again, one of the computer lab assistants had a problem with his laptop where he couldn't do much with the machine. I decided to try helping him to solve the problem. He was using Vista and basically he couldn't launch any apps or do anything so it was completely useless at that point. He mentioned that the bsod mentioned something about a problem with memory.
So, again the same linux d00d suggests that Ubuntu should be installed to fix the problem...wtf? Did he not hear that it was a memory problem. Run memtest you fucking retard. Running memtest revealed that the memory was indeed bad as suspected. The same linux d00d goes for his Debian Linux install disc as if that will actually install saying that it must install. Seriously, how retarded can a person get? Well, the installation failed as I expected.
In the end, running memtest on the individual memory modules revealed that only 1 was bad.
The thing that pisses me off the most is when a person has a problem with their computer and they are told to install linux. How about trying to fix the fucking problem first? That shouldn't be too difficult, right?
Oh yeah, this anti-Microsoft attitude has made my school (University of the West Indies) seem like a bunch of noobs where Microsoft's ImagineCup is concerned. Why? Because in that competition you have to use Microsoft tools to solve problems and apparently they're evil. So they'd prefer to do some linux stuff. What a load of shit.
I'm really tired of these Windows vs Linux threads on forums. Why don't these people do something with their meaningless lives instead of trying to win a pissing contest which at the end of the day only reveals how lame they actually are? There is no such thing as a perfect operating system in today's world. All have advantages and disadvantages, flaws, etc so just accept it and shut the fuck up.
Okay, so you love Linux and think it makes you a god. I get it but the majority of people(those who probably only use facebook, etc) don't give a shit. So do everyone a favor and just fuck off, thank you.
note: I don't hate Linux at all, in fact I was an active supporter for a short time. I just dislike the evangelists.
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